Hopefully everyone had a great Easter. My husband and I traveled to Connecticut for a long weekend with some family friends. We had a good time...we always do.
One of the things we did was dye hard-boiled eggs. I got out a white crayon and tried my hand at some amateur batiking. I thought the eggs turned out pretty well.
It's very easy to do: Just outline in crayon what you want to keep white. Then dye the egg (preferably, you want to dye your egg with the lightest color first). Once dry, use the white crayon to color over the areas you want to keep the color you just dyed the egg. Then dye with your next color. You could go on with several colors. I liked the three-color look.
I love the look of actual batiked eggs, but doing crayon batiking was within my abilities...for now. Maybe in the future I'll take it up :)
Here's our whole carton:

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